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맨 먼저 당황스러웠던 게 눈의 착시현상이었다. 아니 지레 짐작 현상이다. 나아 들어간다는 증거의 하나란다.
NY...당연히 눈에 익은 뉴욕으로 지레 읽었지만 다시보니 우리 말로는 새해 신년의 의미로 새해 결심 즉 작심삼일에 대한 글이다.

본 글의 소스(Source)는 내가 평소에(요즘은 삼성헬스..) 즐겨 사용하던 운동어플인 "Runtasti c" 인데 이렇게 좋은 소식과 정보를 정기적으로 보내준다.

이번 내용은 년초에 많은 사람들이 목표로  내새우는 다이어트에 대한 결과를 보면서 대부분 작심삼일로 포기하기에 포기허지않고 년초 세운 먹표를 달선하게 하는 성공에 대한 팁으로 출발은 운동. 건강에 관한 목표 달성을 위한 4가지 팁인데 이건 꼭 운동에만 국한되는 건 아니어서 이리 옮겨놓는다.

성공을 만들어주는 4가지 팁들.

1. 바로 즉시 시작하라.
2. 과욕을 부리지마라. 일명 오버하지말라
3. 중간중간에 주기적으로 점검하라
4. 적절한 조정은 전적으로 받아들여라.

맨 하단의 통계치도 의미가 있네요

영어 원문으로 보시면 이해가 더 빠를듯 합니다.

Broke Your NY Resolution Already?  This Is How You Get Back on Track

So…how are your New Year’s resolutions going? We know, when setting your New Year’s Resolutions, you always have the best of intentions. You genuinely want to reach them, but a year is a really long time! Therefore, keep your goals realistic and make a clear plan. Don’t demand perfection from yourself — just give it your best!

4 Tips to be successful:

1. Just start: (바로 즉시 시작하라)
As soon as you think of what you want your New Year’s resolution to be, start! You don’t have to wait for a Monday or even the first of the year. Perhaps you’re reading this now and an idea sparks — go for it!

2. Don’t overcommit: (과욕을 부리지마라)
You don’t have to choose an over-the-top, incredibly ambitious goal. Choose something that requires a bit more effort than you’re already putting in now so it’s actually sustainable.

3. Do periodic check-ins: (중간 중간에 주기적으로 점검하라)
You can do this on your own or with a group of friends or co-workers for accountability. Don’t wait until the end of the year to evaluate yourself. Try out a weekly personal reflection & maybe do one in a group 1-2 times per month. What’s your status? What are you doing well? Which areas can use some improvement? What will you do in the coming week/month to ensure success?

4. Adjustments are totally acceptable: (적절한 조정은 전적으로 받아들여라)
Don’t just give up on your resolution to train, for example, 4 times per week. If you’re successfully doing 2-3 times per week, adjust your goal to reflect that. Everything extra is just a bonus
Achievement is motivating — set yourself up for that!

Did you know…?
U.S. News reported that by the second week of February, 80% of those who set New Year’s resolutions have fallen off of the bandwagon and given up. How disappointing, right?

In 2017, the most popular New Year’s resolution was to lose weight and eat healthier. However, only 9.2% of all people who set resolutions actually reported feeling that they were successful in achieving what they set out to.
According to the same survey mentioned above, 37.8% of people in their 20s reported achieving their resolution every year, while only 16.3% of those over 50 did!

Whether you’re on the right path towards reaching your New Year’s resolution or found yourself a bit off track — we hope this gives you a little boost to keep on going!

Posted by 한글사랑(다향)

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